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Women Participation in S&T


Women Participation in S&T with in University System

Assessing the Participation of Women in Science & Technology with in University System in 6 States of Northern India (WPST) is a mega project sanctioned to Uttarakhand Council for Science & Technology (UCOST), sponsored by NSTMIS-DST. This project will try to find the gaps in university system.

Origin of the Project

A Brain storming session on "women in Science & Technology" held during the state science Technology in November 2012 where eminent personalities from diverse fields discussed about the participation of women in S&T field. One of the recommendations which emerged out of the discourse was to collect consistent and reliable sex-desegregated data of human resources in S&T


Objective | WPST

with an aim to map the women human resources existing in the field of science & Technology in the six states, the study will have the following objectives.
  • Inventorization of women human resources existing in the field of S&T in 6 states namely: J&K, Himanchal Pradesh. Uttarakhand, Delhi, U.P and Panjab.
  • Survey of educational & Socio-economic Background of women science practitioners.
  • Analysis of state specific data; its correlation to local settings, educational & Social background; comparative study of working in Himalyan vs. Riverine states.
  • To analyse the status of women in organizational hierarchy and their decision making power.
  • To identify the gap areas for women participation in S&T workforce.

Progress So Far

  • First LPCA Meeting held on 21st Jan 2015

  • Second LPAC Meeting held on 26th May 2016.

  • Survey Progress so far
  • University Distribution:
  • C.U S.U P.U D.U NII Total
    Uttarakhand 1 7 7 3 2 20
    Uttarpradesh 4 19 21 9 2 55
    Delhi 4 3 NIL 3 3 13
    Himachal Pradesh 1 4 16 NIL 2 23
    Punjab 1 8 9 3 5 26
    Jammu & Kashmir 2 6 NIL NIL 1 9
  • C.U: Central University; S.U: State University; P.V: Private University; D.U: Deemed University; NII: National Institute of Importance
  • Benefits from the Projects

    • The study would provide a baseline dataset of women science practitioners in the 6 states.

    • This data would be first of its kind being generated from the states and would serves as a ready reckoner document for policy makers, government departments and researchers not only for the state level but also nationally.

    • Prominent Outcomes :
      • Is there any Impact of geography on women participation?
      • Statistics of women in various positions, gender specific dataset-subject wise, institution wise and state wise (a first for XII five year plan)
      • Change in participation (statistics/status) of women w.r.t earlier reported statistics (if any such data exists)
      • Listing of apprehensions, problems or advantages of being a women scientist faculty in present era.

    States Under this Project

    LPAC Members of the Projects

    Project Team


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