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About Council | Policy
Draft Policy | UCOST
The policy paper was distributed to nearly 150 scientists/academicians and Government departments for their comments. The Council received an overwhelming response. This policy was discussed in a high level expert committee meeting, better known as "Brain Storming Session(s) on Identification of Priority Areas for S&T intervention" held on 25th March 2006 under the leadership of Dr. Manju Sharma, Ex-Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, GOI. The expert group gave its recommendations on S&T Policy , R&D Programs , Science Popularization and Communication , Science & Society, TOT and Entrepreneurship Development. It was unanimously resolved that the State Science & Technology Policy will be termed as "Science & Technology Promotion and Development Policy". The same draft policy is reproduced for greater readership. Origin of Draft Policy
Innovative Promotions & IPR Protection.
Innovation Promotions
The rise of globalization is changing rules that govern innovation. Therefore, the state shall ensure successful implementation of S&T and innovation promotion policy which envisages capacity building of policy makers in S&T and innovation in the light of liberised economic scenario. The state will also build Science and Technology and innovation capabilities helping young innovators especially women.
IPR Protection
IPR protection is a critical aspect of technological innovation. It has been increasingly felt that the immense traditional knowledge base associated with biological diversity in the state leads to product development. There is a need to scout, spawn, sustain and market these products after scientific evaluation. The state is equally rich in lower plants (Algae/Fungi/Bryophytes/Pteridophytes and Micro-organisms) but not much attention has been paid to protect and bio-prospect them. The state therefore, will conserve, document and bio-prospect lower plants on priority basis. Suitable R&D programmes will be developed leading to product development and economic returns.
Networking of institutes & Inter Ministerial Co-ordination.
Networking of Institutes
The state of Uttarakhand is blessed with enormous Central institutions with proven capabilities of international repute. Therefore, our state will ensure maximum collaboration between Central & State institutions, universities and R&D organizations so that the state is benefited from their expertise. The State also believes working in networking mode where strength and weakness of different R&D institutions are supplemented and complemented.
Inter-Ministerial Co-ordination
In order to ensure effective perspective plan for the development and rapid growth of economy of state, Govt. shall promote association of scientists, technologists and social scientists and ensure movement of suitable personnel between scientific institutions and administration. Science and technology being multidisciplinary in nature, an inter-ministerial committee comprising of the senior officers of different development depts. will be constituted to ensure better coordination and better results.
Industry Academia Partnership & Himalyan System Science.
Industry Academia Partnership
High frequency of innovation, shortening of techno-economic life cycles, commercialization of technologies, research alliances, intensive R&D programmes are the major attributes of current industrial scenario. The dominant factor, which has a considerable bearing on each of the above, is technology. The state will recognize industries using indigenous/innovative technology, technology adoption and R&D work.
Himalyan System Science
The state has distinct geo-morphological attributes and some of its features like high-attitude ecosystem, tarai-agro systems, glaciers, pastures, bio-diversity, lakes are unique and needs urgent attention for the conservation and development. The state will, therefore, support all such R&D programmes which aims to focus on above issues. S&T application for High-tech agro-production, processing for creating of an efficient, effective and environmentally friendly business model will be supported by the state, keeping in view of the WTO provisions in agriculture sector vis-à-vis protection of the farmers and entrepreneurs rights.
Popularization of Science & Water Resource management.
Popularization of Science
The State is predominantly a rural state and its people especially children are denied of the facilities which could bring science near to them. Therefore, the state will organize popular lecture series and rural children science congress. Special interactive programmes will be developed, to inculcate the scientific temper in the state. A planetarium and Science museum shall be established as a tool for awareness and education in science, astronomy and space explanation.
Water Resources Management
Although Himalayas are considered to the source for water by rest of the country but water availability in high/low terrains is still a problem. The state shall identify suitable zones and appropriate techniques for the availability of on scientific basis to ensure pollution free water. Proper rain water management techniques will be developed to reduce water wastage and ensure better quality of life
Human Resource Development.
Human Resource Development
Manpower planning in S&T is one of the important factor in the economic development of the state apart from budgetary support. The number of scientists actually engaged in R&D is far less then required. The strength of R&D personnel will've to be increased in order to match the rise in R&D expenditure to the level of 2% of GDP. Programmes for career and better prospects for technical manpower are a vital tool for reversing the flow of talent away form mainstream. It is necessary to pay special attention to create an atmosphere in our research institutions which will attract, retain and nourish young talented scientists. The state will identify subject-specific universities and colleges for their development to the level of excellence by injecting more funds. The state will endeavour to find new mechanism for the promotion of basic and applied sciences and encourage R&D activities in engineering, earth, physical, chemical and life sciences (including Medical Sciences). Technology Business incubation promotion for entrepreneurship promotion for employment generation technology incubation units will be established to facilitate the entrepreneur converting his/her new idea/concept/service or a product into a commercially viable business and bring its product to market. This will ensure technology based business activities and foster growth of small and medium-size enterprises.
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