World Environment Day - Connecting People with Nature

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2017 : ‘Connecting People with Nature’

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2017 : ‘Connecting People with Nature’

World Environment Day was celebrated on 5th June 2017 at Vigyan Dham and honorable guest and speaker for the occasion were  Prof A. N. Purohit, Former Vice Chancellor, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal) and Chairman NASI (Uttarakhand Chapter). World Environment Day has been started celebrating as an annual event on every 5th of June since 1973 in order to raise the global awareness about the importance of the healthy and green environment in the human lives, to solve the environmental issues by implementing some positive environmental actions as well as to make aware common public worldwide that everyone is responsible for saving his environment and not only somebody, government or organizations working for it. World environment day annual celebration campaign was started to address the huge environmental issues like wastage and losses of food, deforestation, increasing global warming and so many. Every year celebration is planned according to the particular theme and this year’s theme is “Connecting People with Nature”. The program was initiated with the Welcome address of chief guest followed by valuable thought sharing by Dr. Rajendra Dobhal, Director General UCOST. He shared many examples of environment complex connection, problems and solutions, finally inferring that to know the whole of the environment and ecosystem behavior is a tough task and sometimes a solution to one environment problem could lead to raising of more issues.

The key speaker for the occasion Prof A. N. Purohit delivered the lecture on ‘Himalayan Region in the context of Climate Change’. Prof Purohit discussed the drivers responsible for the change in people of mountain region which is directly related to the environmental changes in the Himalayas. He advocates the ongoing climate change and believes it as a mean for the human race to get adapt to the new environment of earth and it’s a positive sign as no change in the ecosystem would lead to stagnancy. Dr Brij Mohan Sharma, Secretary SPEC presented his views and conferred Vote of Thanks. Towards effective contribution on Environment Day and working on a theme, UCOST members participated in Tree Plantation in the premises which were donated by Mr Bajaj, a Media person, and an environment activist.

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