A Workshop on “Classical Concept of  Akash Tatva” was held on 21st Oct, 2022 at Doon University, Dehradu - Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology

A Workshop on “Classical Concept of  Akash Tatva” was held on 21st Oct, 2022 at Doon University, Dehradu

A Workshop on “Classical Concept of  Akash Tatva” was held on 21st Oct, 2022 at Doon University, Dehradun in Joint Collaboration of UCOST, Dehradun; Devbhoomi Vigyan Samiti, Uttarakhand; Doon University, Dehradun and USERC, Dehradun. We have been hearing that our body is made up of five elements. Of these elements we can feel earth, water, fire, air, but the sky is beyond our experience. Is sky the limitless expanse of space?. With this theme this workshop was organized at Doon University, Dehradun.